Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

Puppets as icons of Brand of Apparel . . . Goes to Internasional!

Wayang is a cultural heritage native to Indonesia who lack appreciation among young people today. The entry of foreign cultures into the country coupled with the rise of entertainment that is not raised in the culture sinks in Indonesia makes the puppet swallow era. There are many ways to preserve the puppet in the era of globalization, it makes one young entrepreneur raised the concept of puppets in the products it offers.
Rizky Aditya Putra, alumni of management, FEB UB (UB) class of 2007 went on to become young entrepreneurs thanks to the efforts distro Indonesian themed heroes. "Yang paling laris kaos dengan tema indonesia dan barat, gambar gatotkaca dan catwoman disatukan, itu yang paling laris," said a student from West Kotawaringin as reported
Prasetya Online.
Rizky Aditya (Rizki Mahodenk), Mahodenk Hero's Owner

There is sample products from Mahodenk Hero :

This post is not a means of promotion of the brand related :).Original puppet characters Indonesia can still exist through a variety of media, including through the apparel business. Mahodenk Hero is only one of many means of promotion and preservation of native cultures of Indonesia to the international world.

Hopefully useful , sorry for my bad english.

references :

1 komentar:

  1. Proud of him and his idea about wayang!
    It's a breakthrough. No wonder if people like the clothes and consider to buy it.
    But honestly the design..... not so good.
