Kamis, 08 November 2012

Punokawan!, Made in Indonesia

Some People Know that Indonesian Wayang puppet show was influenced by India's epic story. But please don't forget, that indonesian people are very creative to respond that culture by adjust those India's epic story with Indonesian's self culture.

about Punokawan!

right to left: Semar, Gareng, Petruk, Bagong.

They are character of Wayang puppet that constructed in process of acculturation that influenced majorly by Javanese. Each of those character are have various behavior which symbolyzed by each design and as an idea, principal, or ways of life that sould be inspired traditional people in Javanese especially.

  • Semar character that has white crest hair represents a story behind the calm attitude of genius, mental sharpness, rich life experience and knowledge. Also simple, quiet, humble, sincere, not hypocritical, it's never too sad and never laughed so merrily. His mental state is very mature, calm water like a sweep.
  • Gareng’s prominent features are physical disabilities. His squinted eyes is a sense of awareness, throbbing hands as a sense of thoroughness and limped legs is a sense of prudence.
  • Petruk is a symbol of the will, desire, intention described in his hands. hia hand that pointing forward, choose what does he want, hand grasped behind what has been gotten and kept it.
  • Bagong with his two hands five fingers widely opened, meaning that he is always willing to work hard.

"The adjustment of this philosophy concept also talks about the Javanese’s view of philosophy toward the position of gods in Javanese puppets world. Gods in Javanese puppets world are no longer a figure that free from mistakes, but as the same as other creatures of god, which sometimes can do mistakes. The existence of Punakawan (four figures in Javanese puppet consist of Semar, Gareng,Petruk, Bagong) in Javanese puppet intendedly created by Indonesia’s culture experts (especially Javanese’s culture experts) to strengthen the concept of philosophy that in this world, none of creatures that purely good, or purely evil. Every creature contains good and evil side[2].

[1] http://www.javaisbeautiful.com/our-blog/semar-and-punokawan-deep-philosophy-in-javanese-wayang-characters.html

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