Selasa, 06 November 2012

Wayang, Puppet Theatre of Indonesia

Wayang, Puppet Theatre of Indonesia

© Tim Mowrer / Mekin Photography
“A rich mixture of local Indonesian myths, Persian tales, and Indian epic stories constitutes the core of Wayang puppetry in Indonesia. Accompanied by a gong orchestra (gamelan), exquisitely crafted shadow puppets are operated by master puppeteers (dalang). The continuation of the cultural expression depends on artists trained in at least the three fields of storytelling, playing music, and puppet-making. However, the changing economic structure of Indonesia has led to a decreased interest in and demand for wayang performances, which jeopardizes artists’ livelihood and the transmission of their art. Furthermore, wayang is pressed to serve popular tastes that sometimes do not appreciate its traditional refined way of weaving humour into serious social and political commentaries. In this milieu, in November 2003, UNESCO
proclaimed the Wayang Puppet Theatre a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and the ensuing Action Plan aimed to encourage its revitalization as a living practice[1].

This problem maybe occured because of the lack of inovation of the pupet theathre, the people who have “understand” of story/ plot of the wayang theatre, will know very well about the story of Ramayana, or the else. So, contemporary issues that “hot” in this time maybe will attract more viewer, although the attention/ interest of the people.

Indonesia has been conserved this masterpice of culture by the national secretariat Indonesian’s Puppet (Sena Wangi/ Sekretariat Nasional Pewayangan Indonesia) and by PEPADI which it is an association of Indonesian’s puppet masters (Persatuan Pedalangan Indonesia). Then, it created a festival of Indonesian’s puppet theatre.[2]

But, this effort will not be succeed without the support of the society, especially for the puppet master. Here, there is an innovation from Ki Slamet Gundono, that have been created “wayang lindur” that contain the Indonesian’s politic and criticized it. Without lost of the identity, essence, and the figure/ character of Indonesian’s puppet. But, it was looked as the combination of masterpiece heritage and contemporary issues that presented humorously. Maybe just like as a “smooth” insinuation to the government.

We will and must optimist, it would be a new entertainment to international society, simply of mind (the people who enough understand of the story/ character puppet), we can take USA and Iran as contemporary issues of the story Rahwana, Rama, and Shinta. Maybe we will analogyze the Rahwana as USA, Rama as the Iraq, and Shinta absolutely for Oil. but, don’t forget about the entertaining side and “smooth insinuation” that covered humorously. (not really serious)

Beside the project “wayang Lindur” of Ki Slamet Gundono, some Indonesian artist of puppet masters have individual characteristic that make it own exclusive show. Sudjiwo Tedjo also have unique puppet theatre that don’t follow the story or the characteristic each figure of puppet, it make him called “dalang edan” (“crazy” puppet master).but it would looked as another way to attract people for enjoy new style of puppet theatre and one of contribution to conserved of this traditional culture that has been recognized as Masterpiece of Intangible Heritage by UNESCO since 7 November 2003.

[1] Safeguarding of the Wayang Puppet Theatre of Indonesia. UNESCO Culture Sector - Intangible Heritage - 2003 Convention :
[2] "Lestarikan Wayang" | Pikiran Rakyat Online

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